As any mariner will tell you, you can't fight the weather. All you can do is watch the forecast, plan as best you can around it, prepare and deal. And that's basically what the schooner gang has been doing lately as we alternate between sun-filled but deeply cold days and a few snowstorms, the biggest of which is forecast for tomorrow.
Needless to say, work continues but a lot of it is taking place indoors.
That's why the boatyard is empty, despite the deceptive looking sun, in this photograph taken from the loft of plant one here at The Dory Shop. Later, we caught a glimpse of Bub out tracing the exact angle of a knee on a piece of cardboard before heading back inside to shape the final product.
The forecast for the next 36 hours is calling for 20-25 cm of snow, so we'll see what mayhem that causes.

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