For the first time in decades, there are schooners 'abuilding on the famed waterfront at Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada. Dawson Moreland & Associates are building not just one, but two 48' wooden schooners in the best of Maritime traditions. These 'twins' will be built simultaneously, frame for frame, plank for plank, alongside the historic Lunenburg Dory Shop at 175 Bluenose Drive. Follow their progress from keel laying to launch!

An artist's interpretation of the Twin Schooner Project

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tops and bottoms

While Tony takes advantage of this outstanding Nova Scotia autumn to work on this suntan - i.e. complete the cabin tops aboard our twin schooners - Dave and the rest of the gang are down in the shadows hanging garboard planks.
They're making great progress and it won't be too long 'til we are ready for the shuttle strake (last strake of planking on the hull). Traditionally that's an occasion for celebration and you can bet Capt. Moreland will want to mark the event in style. Stand by for details!
Meanwhile, many thanks to shipwright Jamie Rogers who hung off the roof of The Dory Shop's plant 2 (a la Spiderman!) to get this aerial view for us. It's a shot poor Dory Plug could not ever hope to take!

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