Happy New Year from everyone here at Lunenburg Schooners!
We've all had a great holiday, even had a bit of snow on Christmas Eve that lasted (rather perfectly) though Christmas and Boxing Day, then melted away so as not to cause us any inconvenience. The full gang is not yet back, but will be soon, at which point we have a little shuttle plank business to attend to.
Meanwhile, we must share the following link. It's to a blog that's kept by Tony's wife, the talented milliner (that's hat maker to yous!) Anna Shoub. Seems Tony made their son a very special Christmas gift this year. Have a look and we're sure you'll agree this is one lucky boy to have two parents so talented and thoughtful. http://www.hatjunkie.blogspot.com/2011/12/castle-for-prince.html
Susan, Thanks so much for posting about Tony's castle bed and my blog. Looking forward to more of your blog posts. Anna